Crews of employees enrolled in Small Group Employment (SGE) provide cleaning and janitorial services to businesses in Armstrong, Butler, and Indiana counties. Staff members provide useful instruction at work sites to help employees develop essential skills.
Contact us at info@progressiveworkshop.org or 724-548-5664 to hire one of our cleaning crews!

Employees collect, shred, and recycle documents effectively and safely. They serve businesses and residential customers within 75 miles of Kittanning by providing affordable options for efficient, secure, and HIPAA compliant document destruction services.
Click here to view our pricing guide, and contact us at documentdestruction@progressiveworkshop.org or by phone at 724-548-5664 to set up your service!

Crews of employees enrolled in SGE provide lawn services under staff supervision. They serve both residential and commercial clients within PWAC's area of service from April to November.
Employees learn to handle equipment, collaborate with co-workers, and build other related work skills while on the job.
Contact us at info@progressiveworkshop.org or 724-548-5664 to hire our lawn crews!

Employees who work for Progressive Wood Works produce high-quality, hand-crafted wooden cutting boards, charcuterie boards, coasters, and special items including picnic tables, garden boxes, stakes, and decorations. Employees learn to handle equipment, raw materials, and participate in each phase of the crafting process from start to finish.
Shop all available products from Progressive Wood Works at pwacprogressivewoodworks.com!
Orders can be placed for pickup, or can be shipped within the continental United States.

Consider hiring PWAC production crews to expand your workforce! Our crews of employees specialize in various types of contract work:
- Small parts assembly, parts inspection/repairs
​Mailings, packaging, labeling
...and more!
Our crews are available to assist with your production needs for both short-term projects and long-term contracts. We can also accommodate you by completing projects on-site, or we can arrange for jobs to be done in-house at our own facilities in Kittanning.
Many local businesses including Anchor Distributors, Cook Medical, Sloan Lubrication Systems, and others routinely use our production services as part of their own workforce! Contact us to learn how you can hire our production crews.
why hire us?
Hear from some of our employers!
Production of this video was made possible by a grant from the Armstrong County Community Foundation.